Contact the travel professionals working at the Air Macau Hangzhou office to avail flight booking services, whether you are a frequent flyer or not. Speak to the team to reserve a flight or obtain information about any other services offered by the airline. The team is committed to offering customized support to guarantee a hassle-free journey for you and your dear ones. You can also seek advice on registering for the airline’s loyalty program to earn rewards if you are a frequent flyer.
Room 1004, Yuntian Fortune Center, No. 63, Huancheng North Road, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou
Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport,
Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Airport Phone Number: +86 571 8666 2999
Contact numbers: +86 571 8586 0401
Working hours:- Monday To Friday 09:00 – 13:00 ; 14:00 – 18:00
Official website of Air Macau Airlines:
Air Macau Airlines Online Check-in:
Air Macau Airlines Flight Status:
All the Information of Air Macau Offices globally.
View Airlines Hand | Cabin baggage | Excess baggage charges |
Checked baggage | Overweight baggage charges | Oversize baggage charges |
Phone/Contact Number : +853 8396 5555
Inquiries about Baggage:
Lost and found Baggage:
Total fleet: 22
Flight Ticket Booking | Ok to Board | Flight Ticket Cancellation |
Airport Lounges | Visa Services | Baggage Allowance, Online Check-in |
Airport Transfers | Meet and Greet | Duty-Free Allowance |
Immigration Services | Business Class | In-Flight Meals |
Missing Luggage | Airport Lounges | Flight/Visa Info |
Miles | Economy Class | Delayed Flights |
Airport Facilities | In-Flight Entertainment | Airport Wifi |
Valet Parking | Visa on Arrival | Flight Wifi |
Therefore, prepare yourself for a journey free of stress. The Air Macau Hangzhou office has got you covered with all necessary services required to ensure a pleasant experience. Wish you a safe and enjoyable journey!
Go through the answers provided to some of the most asked Questions about the Air Macau Hangzhou Office.
Surely! You can speak to travel executives at the Hangzhou office. They help you with exploring the menu options and pre ordering desired meals.
Yes! Air Macau lets you edit or modify your flight reservation. You can upgrade to a new cabin class as per consultation with the travel executives at the Hangzhou office.
Yes, you can travel with an electronic ticket sent by email. However, you must confirm the same with the office team.
You are advised to visit the Air Macau office directly and seek advice from the travel experts. The fee depends on how much more weight you need to carry
Yes, you can book a one-way ticket if you are not interested in a return trip.