Do not look to apply the same method of traveling on the upcoming airline that you used in the previous one. It is because various things might have changed that you can’t figure out with the old process. So, in order to travel perfectly, learn about the latest updates of Air India at the Air India Kabul Office. The available staff at the office will inform you about the current scenario. This way, you can manage your journey in the right manner and avoid mistakes. You can also scroll through the official website of Air India to know the latest changes. So be attentive to what is happening around you.
14 Wazir Akbar Khan Road
Kabul, Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan
Kabul International Airport
H666+H2F, Kabul, Afghanistan
Airport Phone Number: +93 20 230 0016
Telephone Number: +93-700 151 010 / 93-777 309 713
Working hours: 24 Hours
Air India Online Check-in:
Check Air India Airlines’ Flight Status Here:
For Booking Flights:
All the Details of Air India Offices Globally.
Air India Airlines Baggage Services Phone Numbers:- 001-773-6861435
Baggage lost and found:
Inquiries about Baggage:
View Airlines Hand | Cabin baggage | Excess baggage charges |
Checked baggage | Overweight baggage charges | Oversize baggage charges |
Total fleet: 107
Flight Ticket Booking | Ok to Board | Flight Ticket Cancellation |
Airport Lounges | Visa Services | Baggage Allowance, Online Check-in |
Airport Transfers | Meet and Greet | Duty-Free Allowance |
Immigration Services | Business Class | In-Flight Meals |
Missing Luggage | Airport Lounges | Flight/Visa Info |
Miles | Economy Class | Delayed Flights |
Airport Facilities | In-Flight Entertainment | Airport Wifi |
Valet Parking | Visa on Arrival | Flight Wifi |
Passengers who have a flight with Air India should head towards the Air India Kabul Office. Have a word with the staff and know everything that is related to the air journey.